Corsair H90 140MM AIO liquid cooler review

Testing is being done with RealTemp to measure the temperatures, Intel Burn Test to stress CPU and CPU-Z to verify the CPU speed and the voltage being used. The pump and the fan were set at full speed through the bios.
Ambient temperature was around 30-31C. and humidity at around 45%. I didn’t use an AC since most of the users will not use an AC under normal Indian conditions. Opinions may vary but this is what i felt would help to decide the practicality and utility of the cooler under normal Indian condition.
The test system used :
CPU : Core i5 2500K @ various speeds.
Motherbaord : Asus P8Z68 Deluxe
Motherbaord : Asus P8Z68 Deluxe
Ram : Kingston hyper x Blu @ 1600 Mhz
Cooler : Corsair H90.
For the purpose of this test I decided I will need one more 1400MM fan to compare the and see the capability of the stock fan. So i reached out to NOCTUA and they supplied me with an NF-A14 FLX 140MM for which i am thankful to them.
The stock fan

Noctua NF-A14

Now lets see how did the test go.
NOTE: The CPU takes 1.13v @ 3.3Ghz ; 1.2v @ 4Ghz and 1.3v @4.4Ghz.
Every load test consisted of 15 runs of Intel Burn test at “standard” test level. The system was allowed to idle for 15 mins starting from a cold boot. Every test was run thrice to come at an average.

With a toasty 30C in Kolkata we see a comfortable 33C in stock speed with the fan provided along the cooler which goes upto 39C at stock.
Now i sincerely didn’t expect the noctua to do better than the corsairs own fan. but i was pleasantly surprised to see the test results.

Right from the start we see a decrease in idle temperature. And gradually it translates into a 4 degree difference with the stock fan at 4.4GHZ.
Am sorry corsair but it seems like the fans are not exactly optimized.
Am sorry corsair but it seems like the fans are not exactly optimized.
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