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  • Pingback: Hexadecimal and Binary Number System basics for Embedded Programming : OCFreaks!()

  • Pingback: LPC2148 GPIO Programming Tutorial : OCFreaks!()

  • Prashant vasaikar

    Its really nice experience and intresting to study the things,because the ease of language.
    Thank you

  • Virendra Kumar

    This is the best tutorial on bit wise operator for embedded systems…
    perfectly written.

    Great work.

  • mohamed nisar pk

    good tutorial .

  • Vasant Prabhu

    really good article. solving the exercises at the end with pen and paper was good learning. please post any related links to this.

  • Dhananjaya

    Fantsatic job by you … Thank you so much for your article.. Please post some more related to the LPC 2148 MIcro controllers. Thank you.

  • Gopi M

    this article very useful for beginners . every programmer must gone through the article. really it a fantastic article for bit wise operator. thanks u so much for posting this article.

  • shankr

    This is the gr8 tutorial I ever read… Simple clean n clear…gr8 job bro 🙂 thanx a ton! I request yu to post tutorial on CAN protocol for LPC214x in future..

  • Great umang, it is the most simple illustration i have ever gone through…. you made it so simple… thanks a lot. your explanation is very much helpful for further exploring the programming concept.

    • I really glad it helped you 🙂 By the way have you started with any microcontroller yet?

  • Subbu

    Got an idea about bitwise operations thank u…..